Today is a tad bit sad because today is the last month-a-versary before Madison turns one. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. It seems like just yesterday I had that big ol' baby belly, waiting for my little girl to make her appearance and now she 29" tall and about 20 lbs, has a full head of blonde curly hair, and 6 teeth with more on the way!
She's walking while holding on to the coffee table or my fingers. She's scooting on her little butt across the floor. Has a fit if you try to make her crawl! She is eating table food and holding her own bottle. She won't let me hold her while she drinks her bottle most of the time. She has started to hand me the bottle when she is done or grabs the cap and trys to cap the bottle.
For being so little, her personality is so big! She gets shy around people she doesn't know or hasn't seen in a while. However, when she is around people she knows or she gets use to the ones she doesn't, she is loud! She talks, babbles, screams, uses that wonderful "monster" voice as loud or as soft as she wants! Its a wonderful sound! She gets mad if she wants something that I won't let her have, like, my phone. If she gets upset enough she gives me the "business" which is her talking to me but in a "your a mean momma kind of way." Kind of like when a teenager yells something and then slams a door. LOL!
All the changes in her and the new stuff she learns is just so fun to watch! I can't wait to see what this next month brings!