Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Getting ready!

We are getting ready for Madison's first vacation. We are going camping. It should be a ton of fun. Her first vacation, her first camping trip, her first time tubing down the river! This is going to be great! Thought its starting to stress me out! What if she gets sick while we are there? What if it rains or storms (we are tent camping)? What if I forget something? Oh may! See what I mean? I'm sure I'm over thinking this whole thing, but its our first camping trip as a family.

We are also in the process of re-doing our wills, since Madison came on the scene. We should have done this months ago, but things got in the way. Let me tell you these questionaires that they sent us to do them can get so confusing especially when dealing with a minor child & possible future children. I had to call and ask the lawyer questions about where to put information regarding a trust we want to the inheritance money to go into and the details for it. I was told that I needed to write it on a separate sheet of  paper. She didn't understand why they don't make room for it on the questionaire either.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

1 Year Old

I cannot believe my little baby is 1 year old. Today is the day! It was 2 am June 16th when my water broke and I had to make the call to my husband and mother. Running around spending my 45 mins at home by myself taking the dogs out and finishing packing my bag for the hospital. I think I went through 3 pairs of sweat pants before I left for the hospital.

We were there a long time before Madison decided to make her arrival into this world. I cannot tell you how close I was to losing my baby girl when she was born because I'm not sure. She was not moving much at all while I was in labor. They started me on pitocin within an hour or so of getting to the hospital because my contractions weren't very good. I, honestly didn't start progressing until I got pain killers about 14 hours after my water broke. At this time I was waiting for my epidural because my second shot of nubain didn't do me a damn bit of good.

They were making me wear an oxygen mask because Madison wasn't moving much. It was making me sick and all they would tell me was that I would get use to it. It wasn't until Madison made her grand entrance that they figured out why she wasn't moving. As soon as her head was out I was yelled at not just told to stop pushing, which I stopped, but Madison just popped out. I was yelled at because Madison's cord was wrapped around her neck two times, but they didn't want to freak me out so no one said anything to me until she was in my arms. I'm so glad that they didn't tell me before then.

I believe it all lined up just right to keep my baby girl with me. 

I don't have any stats on her as we don't go back to the pediatrician until next week Friday, but she is talking up a storm, mostly made up words but we do hear the following

Cat (don't know why, we have dogs!)

She can stand by herself but she freaks out when she does it. She pulls up on everything and can sit back down, she walks around holding on to furniture. She is still a good sleeper for bedtime and naps! *crosses fingers this never changes* She never did crawl but scoots on her butt everywhere!

Happy 1st Birthday my little Madison! I love you more than anything in the world and wouldn't trade you for anything.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The big day is tomorrow!

Wow, oh wow! A year ago yesterday was my due date, which means a year ago today was when my hubby decided to go to work (driving all the way to Chicago and I told him to leave Bailey behind because I didn't think he would be gone long. Boy I didn't know how right I was going to be! He reached the office at noon, which meant he only had 14 hours (2 am) before I called to tell him my water broke!

This day last year, I felt that I needed to get everything done and my bag for the hospital ready. Its like all of a sudden my body knew something was going to happen, but wouldn't tell me when. I rushed around the house like a crazy person, so my parents would come over to a messy place and I wouldn't have to come home to a messy house. I got laundry done to pack my comfy pants for the hospital. The only thing I didn't get done was grocery shopping.

I had called my mom and told her that I just felt the need to get everything done. Her comment to me was, "It won't be long now." I guess I thought I had a few more days thought. Someone had other ideas though! I don't remember feeling Madison moving that day, but maybe I was way too into getting everything done.

Tomorrow is the day my baby turns 1, so I'll save the rest until then!