Well, it was just over a week ago that the first tooth popped through. Today the second popped through. I guess I have to say goodbye to her gummy little smile and hello to a toothy smile.
She's getting up on her hands and knees, still not at the same time, but doing it. She's been standing with me holding her or with her leaning on me. She actually tried to take a step toward my SIL last week, but it was a fail. I'm not looking forward to that day! So we now need to venture into the world of baby proofing the house. The outlets have had their covers on before Madison came along because Bailey liked to lick the outlets when he was a baby dog.
So not only do we need to baby proof but we need to move the mattress for the crib down because she can sit up and she isn't too far off from pulling herself up to stand. We are also retiring her bouncy seat because its not safe for her to be in now that she can sit up unassisted. I'm sure her exersaucer isn't too far behind since she is such a tall baby girl!
Can we just slow down time for a little while???
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