Thursday, January 13, 2011

Trying week

This has been a trying week for a few reasons. First is because I have both dogs here and Bailey doesn't really like to listen to me. I've been trying to work with him everyday in hopes that, it only takes some time with me for him to realize that I am an authority figure. It seems to be working, but slowly. Also it feels like if I'm not picking up after Madison, I'm picking up after the dogs.

Then there is me trying to fit in working out. Its harder to do than I thought, especially when Madison won't nap like she use to. Monday I got in my 20 mins on the treadmill. Tuesday nothing. Wednesday I fit in 30 mins on the treadmill and 20 mins of the excerises with the balance ball. Today I fit in 25 mins on the treadmill and 20 mins of excerises with the balance ball though Madison was in her jumper for the balance ball portion.

Madison's napping has been horrible this week. She's been so all over the place. 90 mins here, 30 mins there. It use to be 2 - 90 min naps a day. Today she did 2 - 45 min naps. I just want her to be consistant and well rested.

I've felt kind of isolated this week too. No one has had the time to talk to me and I'm stressing. I have no other way to release than to scream into a pillow (which I did a few times this week). I have yet to decompress from the fight over the weekend either. I just want the hubby home and some time off.

1 comment:

  1. For reference, I have talked to you! I am sorry that you are feeling so alone right now. I can totally sympathize with that. What was the fight?
