Well things are moving forward.. I guess is the way to put it.
I'm still trying to come to terms with my Grandpa's diagnosis. I'm trying to understand what he is going through and what he will go through. I know its awkward for my family to talk about, but I don't understand why? Its an illness and we've talked about all his other illnesses. I can only think that this is because its one that no matter what the outcome isn't going to be good. I am having some conflicts with this whole thing. I want my daughter to know him, but I can't really take her to see him because now that he has started chemo his immune system is going to take a shot and lets face it kids & the elderly are the ones that catch something first. I don't know what to do. So I'm trying to figure it out still.
The building of our house is going forward as well. I am in the middle of getting our townhouse ready for sale. At least there isn't anything major that I need to do to get ready. Its just clearing the clutter and taking down pictures. We are going to clean our carpets, mostly because they need it, but to help with getting it ready. Tomorrow we are meeting with our builder to hopefully finalize our plans & get a start date on the house. I am excited about it, but also very nervous because there is so much to do and so much that needs to fall into place with all of this.
I have been bad and have not been working out like I had planned this week. The problem is, is that I've been feeling sick whenever I wake in the morning and start moving. As the day goes on it gets better with a few set backs here and there. I think the stress of everything is getting to me. I just need to get up and do it!
Madison is doing well and becoming a typical toddler. She has started throwing fits when she doesn't get her way. Everything is "no" to her. We are trying to get her to say yes more often especially when we know she wants stuff. She has been really good about taking her antibiotic. I tell her its medicine time & she runs to me with her mouth open ready to take it. She loves to play in the snow, now that we have some. She also knows in order to leave the house she needs her hat & her shoes. If I even say anything about going out she runs to grab her shoes & hat. Its absolutely adorable. She is talking more and more & learning her letters. She actually came running into the living room yelling "B, B" & carrying her "B" magnet from her fridge phonics. She is just growing way too fast. Right now she is what keeps me sane even when she is throwing a fit!
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