So I had a conversation with a friend who did not know where I stood on religion & faith. This conversation spurred this post.
Not many people realize that I was never baptized/christened (not sure what Catholics call it) because my family is Catholic. My understanding is that my mom turned away from the church before I was born. Does that mean she doesn't have faith? No way. She just didn't like some things and left. I've talked to her about things & she wishes she had raised us with religion, but I'm kind of glad she didn't. Not that I have anything against anyone who is religious. I just don't think that its for me.
Now a lot people who hear this think that I am an atheist, which I am not. I believe in God. I believe that He listens to us through our prayers & I believe that He is with us every second of our life, even before & after life. Therefore, I have faith. I know a lot people that know me will be like "WHAT?! YOU believe in GOD?!" I don't talk about it to a lot of people. Although if you ask I will tell you.
For me, I don't feel that God needs us to worship in a Church, He just wants us to worship. I don't think you need to do it with a group of people or pray aloud or in a specific place or at a specific time. I think if this is the route you want to go great, but its not for me. Does that mean I won't step into a church? No, I've been to many in my life, Catholic & Lutheran mostly. I like a lot of the messages that have been given in the services I have attended. I'd go again. I'm just not into committing myself to every Saturday/Sunday or whatever day people go to Church now.
How I worship? I worship by living my life to the best of my ability & being as good of a person I can be. Now that doesn't mean in anyway shape or form that I am perfect. I have flaws & I ask God daily to help me make myself better. I've caught myself slipping back at times, but I ask His forgiveness and hope that He will grant it. I pray daily as well, some days quiet, some days loud & others on my hands & knees in tears. I pray where ever I am when the mood strikes or I just need to talk.
Do I think everyone else is wrong for going to Church or being affiliated with a religion? No, I think everyone needs to do what they feel is right for themselves & their family. I don't judge. I have friends who are Lutheran, Jewish, Southern Baptist & family who is Catholic (including my own husband), & probably more religions than I can remember.
Have I read the Bible? Not yet. Its on my list of books to read. I wish I had done it a long time ago. I want to be able to read it cover to cover. I've been told doing so, may change my view on religion, but I don't know. Maybe it will, maybe it won't.
Why wouldn't you convert for your husband? Well, he never asked for one & I respect him so much for that. Secondly, I don't think you should convert your religion or join a religion for someone else. I think you should do it for you. Its just like if you quit smoking, doing drugs or drinking or even lose weight, you need to do for yourself in order to be successful. I feel in order to really mean & live that religion you need to do it for yourself.
What about your daughter? I've told my husband that if he wants her raised Catholic, we can do that. Its up to him. I will make the commitment to help him do that, but after a certain age (which will be agreed upon between us if he decides its what he wants) I won't force her to go to church or participate. She will need to make the decision at some point of what she wants to do & how she wants to worship.
Well, that is my take on it.
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