I have all sorts of crazy feeling lately. I feel like I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop on everything. There has been so much negative happening lately, that I guess I just have that in my mind and am feeling that way.
I'm sure most of it is because we've been dealing so much with Grandpa & his illness. I really can't wait to get back to see him, but I dread it too. I just don't want him to be in pain anymore is the thing. I jump every time my phone rings thinking that its the phone call. I found a picture of him from about 7 years ago. He looked so different, so healthy. It made me cry for what my family & I was losing.
We did get a bad news phone call on Sunday, but it wasn't the one I was thinking it was going to be. Dan's uncle died. He had a long battle with cancer & lost that battle. Tomorrow we are going up to Dan's parents to attend the funeral.
We do have some good news. Today they are starting on the new house & digging the basement. This should be so very exciting for us, but all I can focus on is that we haven't had anyone look at the townhouse in over 2 weeks. I worry that we won't be able to sell it in time. I want this to be a happy time, but I am having such a hard time changing this attitude & thinking. I go back to read my last entry what seems like daily to get my attitude adjusted, but its doesn't seem to work. Maybe I need to get back into my workout mode too, to help deal with some of the stress. I have to find a way to break this feeling.
Positive Thinking is always welcome here! I need it more than ever right now!
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