Monday, October 22, 2012

Fears that come with baby #2

I know I still have 6 months to figure things out & get over my fears, but I'm going to put them out here. Maybe you have suggestions or helpful insight to help calm my fears.

1. Will Madison love her baby sister or brother?
2. Will they have a good relationship? Lets face it I can't be a great role model here as I don't feel like I have a real relationship with any of my siblings.
3. Will there be enough room in my heart for both of them?
4. Will I be able to spend enough time with Madison while caring for a new born?
5. Will I be able to handle 2 children & 2 dogs all day by myself? Let alone those times Dan wants to go on his hunting or fishing trips.
6. Will I be able to go visit friends & family in IL toting 2 children by myself?
7. Will Madison regress any after baby is here?
8. How will she do while I'm in the hospital having baby & recuperating? She hasn't really been without me except when she has gone somewhere, so will she be ok if mommy goes somewhere?
9. Will I be able to breastfeed longer than what I did with Madison (3 months is all we made it)
10. Will we as a family be financially able to take care of a baby without having to give up too much?

I'm sure there are many more things, but they aren't coming to mind right now.

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