Things have just been chugging along with this pregnancy. Its more the same old same old, but we are now considered viable! I've been trying to organize the house so when its time to start pulling everything out (bouncy chair, swing, etc.) there will be a place for it. I've already got all the clothes, blankets, towels & etc. out & washed. It just needs to be put away in the dresser & closet.
How far along? 24 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: 11 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, since about 7 weeks
Stretch marks? On the stomach
Linea Nigra: Still Not yet (never had one with Madison, so...)
Sleep: There is alot of changing sides because my hips start to hurt & some pregnancy insomnia. Also getting up 2 times a night to pee doesn't help either
Times you Potty a Night: 2 times a night
Best moment of the week: Snuggling with my Madison watching Princess movies
Miss anything? Not really
Movement: Yes, I'm getting kicked & punched daily. Still Can't wait for hubby to be able to feel it too! Madison got to feel baby sister for the first time this past week!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not at all.
Cravings: Nothing at the moment.
Gender prediction: Doesn't matter anymore because its a girl
Gender: GIRL
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: No. Just some Braxton Hicks every now & again
Symptoms: The bump in front, some sore boobs, & pregnancy insomnia & being uncomfortable
Aches & Pains: A sore lower back from carrying the bump & a sciatic nerve pain
Belly button in or out? In (never popped out with Madison, so I'm curious if it will stay that way)
Wedding rings on or off? So far on, but I think they are going to be coming off soon as they are getting much tighter now.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy, uncomfortable & way excited that I have less than 4 months left.
Looking forward to: Getting all the baby stuff out & cleaned up.
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