Sunday, June 16, 2013

My biggest baby is 3!

Madison is 3 years old today! When did this happen? How did this happen? It couldn't have been 3 years since I gave birth to her!

Madison is a happy, bright 3 year old! She has an exceptional memory. She knows her colors, can count to 14. She knows her name & address. She talks a mile a minute.  She is getting braver at the playground & even with jumping off the front steps. She is a great big sister & is so gentle & loving with Paityn that its hard to believe she is so little. She has grown leaps & bounds in the last year. Just look at these pictures!

1st day of being 2

Last day of being 2

1st day of being 3


You have grown so much. Sometimes I feel as though if I blink you will be 16 or 18 & leaving home, so I try my hardest not to. Please slow down a little in growing our time with you this little is going way too fast already.