Monday, February 28, 2011

Wish the Past Would Stop Haunting Me 3

So Mom was taking the Bio-father to court. Well finally in February 1998 (this started in Sept of 1997) we were awarded 50% of my tuition after any financial aid (student loans, grants, scholarships) for 5 full years as I was wanting to get my CPA and you need 5 years in college to do this. His only thing was that the check be made out to me, so he knew it was going to my college tuition. Fine! Woohoo! I was getting my college paid for.

He showed up (drove all the way out to our house) to give me the first installment of my college money. He hugged me and started crying. I stood there straight as a board. I had many walls up because I now knew what all he was capable of and I wasn't going to allow myself to get drawn back in. He started saying crap about my mom. I don't remember what exactly was said by him, but it hit me hard and I struck right back. I told him that he was in the wrong and that he should never talk about my mom like that again, that she was the one that was always there for us while he was the one that came and went as he pleased. That we would go 2 years without hearing from him. That he missed all the important moments because he was "too afraid" of my mom being there. I even informed him that mom had never said a bad word about him to us for all of our 18/19 years and we had made up our own minds about him.

Little did I know our living room window was open a crack, so mom had heard every little bit of what I said to him. Did I have to stand up to him for my mom? No, Mom can handle herself very well, but the truth of the matter is, is whether Mom and I were getting along or not at that moment or any moment, no one gets to say crap about her to me because she gave up a lot for us. She starved so we could have more. She wore clothes that didn't fit or were torn up so that we could have what we needed. She sacrificed money for her retirement and vacations so that I could go to college or to help my brothers and sister.

So the checks came once a semster, but now they came by mail instead of being hand delivered. It worked for a while. Then I screwed up. Yes, me, I failed out of NIU. I know, how can a straight A student suddenly fail out of school? I'm not quite sure I could pin point what happen. Mom assumes I partied too much and didn't do enough studying. That wasn't really the case. I only went out on weekends. I guess I didn't have enough going on that I just let my homework go because there was always later, plus I never learned to study because throughout HS I never cracked a book. I was like a sponge.

I came home and went to CLC (community college) to get my associates degree. I could've done it all in 1 semester except I never got the bill to pay and was never told when it needed to be paid by, so next thing I knew I got a letter saying I had been dropped from all my classes. As I resigned up 1 of the classes I needed was full, so I had to wait another semester to take that. Anyway, I had written Bio-father a letter telling him that I had screwed up and was going to CLC. That since it was my screw up I would pay for this year of college, but would expect to see the support come back when I went back to a 4 year school. I kept him in the loop. When I found out I was getting my associates degree I decided to walk because there was a lot for me to celebrate. I was getting my butt back in gear and had picked a better school for me. I wrote to him again and let him know the date and time for my graduation, the school I was going to and how much it would be and what his portion would be.

Well, he decided to try to fight us again over my tuition money.

TO BE CONTINUED (wow didn't know this would get so long)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Wish the past would stop haunting me 2

Yep, there are many more memories I have that show my bio-father as well an ass. The ones that stick out the most though are the things he didn't show up for. My brother's and my Jr High & High school graduations. He told us he would be there, but he never showed for them. He came later saying he had a flat tire and had to get a new one, so we asked him to see the receipt for it and he then confessed that he just didn't want to run into or deal with my mom. Really? Mom always tried to be civil to him though I'm sure it was hard for him as he always owed her money for our medical expenses and what not, but when it came to something that was celebrating us or about us, she stayed civil.

When I turned 18, he filed to stop child support. This was understandable, but my mom was going to put that money towards my college. Ok, what you need to know here is that when they divorced my mom had it put in their divorce decree that he would split college costs 50/50 after financial aid. So my mom countersued for the money for my tuition, which he fought. At this time, my father and I were getting along and I told him I didn't want to be involved and that I didn't care how my tuition got paid for as long as it got paid for. Well, they had a court date and my mom brought me the transcripts because he told the judge that I would testify against my mom and a few other things. Well, needless to say I called him and asked him about it and he denied it until I told him I had the transcripts. This was the beginning of the end of our relationship.

At the end of December (mind you I was in my first semester of college) I got the dreaded phone call. My mom called to tell me that he had hired a hot shot lawyer (mom was doing this on her own) that he'd rather pay than to pay for my college. She asked me what I wanted her to do. To continue with the suit or drop it. I told her to let me call him and talk to him. I sure did call him. I asked him why and you know what he told me? He told me it was her fault they were in court, her fault their marriage ended & that she had cheated on him when they were married with my stepfather (the man who is actually my dad). Oh, this set me off. This is something you don't do. You don't talk crap about my mom, not when she was the one that was always there for us. I told him this "It was your fault that you are going to court because all you had to do was leave the child support order in place or say "yes I will pay for 1/2 my daughter's tuition" and do so! 2. It was your fault the marriage ended because you were the one who chose alcohol and drugs over your family. I don't blame her for leaving you, I applaud her for it. 3. I don't care if she cheated on you or not with him. Its none of my business, but if she did good for her for finding a better man!" I then proceeded to tell him that he was only a sperm donor and that my dad was Brian (my stepfather) because he was the one that acted more like a father to me than he ever did. And I told him to take his money and shove it up his ass! Yes I actually said this. This call had been the end of our relationship.

I called my mom back. I told her what had happened and her reaction was to fight harder for it. When I got home from break Mom and I went to meet with a lawyer who guided her through some paperwork to file in Chicago and then referred us to a lawyer that could help us in Cook County. 

Things don't stop there. I got a call from one of my cousins from my Dad's side yelling at me about how I just wanted money and that I was not welcome anymore and how if anything happened to our Grandma that I shouldn't show my face and blah, blah, blah. Our Grandma lived a town over for years without telling us. She never called. We were the children, was it our job to forge a relationship with her?

Truth be told I just couldn't understand how he wouldn't want to help his children have a better life. Isn't that your job as a parent to protect your children and to want and to try to give them a better life even if that means you have to do without stuff?

To be continued...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wish the past would stop haunting me

So with all the support that was shown for Baby Kinley yesterday, it made me think, who would be there to support me if I ever needed it? Well, honestly, it was more who wouldn't be there to support me because I know who would be there! I know the people who would drop everything and sit next to me if it ever became necessary (which I hope it never does).

Truth be told I know who wouldn't be there too, but its that small group of people that I think about. Why? Because this group is family, well at least in the biological sense, but not in the "I'll be there no matter what" sense and that bothers me. Always will bother me. I doubt any of them even know that I have a daughter.

I need to get this out. I need to let my side of this story be told. Then maybe, just maybe I can put this to rest in my mind.

My bio-father was a drunk, though he would never admit it and neither will his side of the family. He came and went out of my life whenever it please him. We might see him for a few months every other weekend like we were suppose to, but then he might disappear for 2 years only to show up again. I spent many of my weekends sitting on a curb waiting for him to show up only to be disappointed that he didn't. I would wonder - what did I do to make him not want to spend time with us? It wasn't until I was about 12 or 13 that I figured it out, that it was him not me or my brother. The thing is, is I never hated him for it, it just made me want to see him more. I don't know why. I don't think I'll ever figure that one out. We were put through a lot.

My mother never said a bad word about him in front of us and yelled at anyone whoever did. She wanted us to form our own opinions and to figure it out for ourselves. I admire her for that because it could not have been easy to see her children cry or be mad or upset that he didn't show. He never showed up for Jr High or High School Graduations for either of us.

Lets go back. My first memory of things going bad was when I was about 3 or 4 years old. I remember waking up to my parents yelling at each other. I went into the kitchen where they were and was standing behind my mother. My father pushed her and she fell on me and I had fallen on my brother. She quickly gathered us up, packed a packed a bag for us and calling my grandma to tell her she was sending us down the street to her. My brother and I walked down there (1/2 a block away). Grandma came down stairs and watched us walk. I don't remember what happen after that.

The next memory I have, which I have been told was same day. It was night and I was asleep in a sleeping bag on the floor of grandma's and I was woken up by someone picking me up and carrying me into another room. It turns out my father had climbed up to the 2nd story of a 2 story flat (My Grandparents place) and tried to break in through the window to get to my brother and I.

Now mind you none of this made sense to me until I asked my mother one day about these "strange" memories I had. At that time my mother filled in some of these memories.

There was another time, my father had picked us up and took us to my cousins' house. He went golfing with my uncle while we hung out with my cousins & aunts. We had a great old time and that night he came back drunk trying to get us to go home with him. I'm not sure what happen to lead up to it, but next thing I knew he was holding my aunt against the wall in a choke hold and my brother had dialed 911. He grabbed the phone out of his hand and hung up before he could say anything. When they called back my aunt lied for him, told him my brother had accidentally dialed, so no one would show up.Needless to say we did not get in the car with him but he left and drove 1 1/2 hours home.

Well, this is where I need to leave you today. My little baby is finally up from her nap and I need to tend to her now.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Praying for Kinley

Those who know me, know that I'm not religious, but that doesn't mean that I don't believe in God or that I don't pray. I do pray, not often, but I do. All last night, even while sleeping I have been praying for Kinley. I know I did it in my sleep because I was dreaming I was praying too, so I feel the need to share the prayer that has been running through my head.

Dear God -

Please give the surgeon steady hands and guide them and his team through this sugery.  Give her parents and the rest of her family the strength to endure this long surgery.Please let baby Kinley come out of this surgery a happy, healthy and seizure free baby girl.


Please remember to wear your pink today for Kinley!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brings Tears to My Eyes!

In a previous post, I mentioned a little girl who was having seizures and is now going through major brain surgery. Her surgery is tomorrow. The WTE June 2010 Mommas have set up an auction to help Kinley's family with medical bills and what not. Which can be found at the link below:!/welovekinley

We have raised $3000 at the time of this post! And it only got started about 3 or 4 days ago. This is awesome out pouring of kindness and generosity from so many who have not even met this family. A lot of us have gotten to know Erin (Kinley's mom) on WTE.

Not only this but an event was started on Facebook "Wear Pink for Kinley" (see link below). Where we are wearing pink on Wednesday (tomorrow) to show our support to Kinley and her family as Kinley is undergoing her surgery tomorrow. We will be uploading photos of us in our pink gear, so the family can see our support. At the time I am typing this we are up to 1,150 people participating. Again most of us have never met Kinley or her family, but everyone is showing an outpouring of love, prayers, thoughts and tons of support for this little girl and family.!/event.php?eid=190996664266674

This all brings tears to my eyes. Good tears! I'm so proud of our little community for pulling together to help one of our own through such a hard situation. Whether you support them through donations, through prayers, thoughts or just wearing your pink, you are doing an amazing thing for a family.

This out pouring of support shows me that there is so much good in a world filled with turmoil and violence. For this I thank you all. Maybe if we could show more of this love to everyone, the world would be a better place!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Putting some things in perspective

Do I complain about things? yes, I do. I believe everyone does. I complain that my husband is gone so much. I complain that he doesn't spend the time with myself or Madison. I complain that I don't get to see or talk to my friends and family much. Yes, I made the decision to leave my hometown and state, but I still get to complain! I complain that my baby girl doesn't sleep well, is crabby or whatever else at the moment.

All these things are no big deal compared to what another June 2010 mommy and her family are going through. My heart breaks for her. I cannot imagine what she is feeling at this moment. Her poor little girl (about 8 months old) has been having seizures and meds just aren't working anymore. She is going to be having major brain surgery in a week. I ask of you all to pray for this baby and her family. If you'd like to read more about her story or offer your good thoughts & prayers, you may do so here:

Life is so unpredictable. I've been trying to not complain as much and to treasure all the moments with my baby girl (good or bad, cranky or happy, in the middle of the night or during the day).

Thursday, February 10, 2011


So today was my follow up with the Dr for my headaches and shoulder. Things are better with the headaches. I went 3 weeks without any and then over the weekend and Tuesday night I had them. They weren't as severe and they didn't last as long as they had been. So progress is good. The shoulder on the other hand has been killing me since PT yesterday morning. It hurts so bad that I've been popping Advil all day long yesterday and today. If I was alone with Madison 90% of the time I probably would have asked the Dr for something stronger today. I can endure the pain to take care of my daughter. Well, the Dr gave me another month to get my shoulder better in therapy. If its not better by then we are going to do an x-ray and a MRI on it to find out if I need surgery. Well, this could totally screw up my plans. I really don't want to go through another surgery, so I need to really get this shoulder back up to snuff. I will be having a little chat with my physical therapist about this. Not too mention I will be emailing him here in a little bit about the shoulder pain and what to do with my exercises for it.

On the plus side my daughter makes my day with all the little things she does. I love her smile and laugh. It totally makes up for it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blizzard and more!

I spent the end of January and beginning of February visiting my parents. Oh my! They were so excited to see us. Madison slept well on Friday night - in my mom's closet! HEHEHE That still cracks me up. Mom gave me the break I needed to get some sleep. She kept Madison in her room until Sunday. Thank you!

Sunday all the warnings went out for the blizzard and by Monday Madison was showing signs of being sick with diaheria and the no sleeping we debated on coming home or staying with Dan. It was a hard call, but was finally made on Monday morning that we would stay because I wouldn't have time to get home and grocery shop especially with a sick baby before the blizzard would hit. We joined Dan at the hotel Monday afternoon. Tuesday as everyone was preping for the blizzard to hit we were debating on whether Madison and I should go back to my mom's or stay at the hotel with Dan. I was concerned if power went out it would be too cold at the hotel for Madison, so I spoke with some of the workers at the hotel to learn that if the power goes out the hospital gets a circuit and then the hotels get a circuit because of the children that could be there. They all reassured me that we would be well taken care of with blankets and heat and what not. Their maintence/engineer manager even offered to go pick up supplies for us (Dan frequents this hotel when working). It was very sweet of them. So I opted to stay with my husband. The hotel brought in dinner for all the guest on Tuesday night as well as Wednesday night. It was great service all the way around. The hotel workers stayed there too and worked all day long it seemed like.

As Tuesday wore on, I noticed Madison was getting a slight bit dehydrated and she just wasn't eating or drinking to what she normally does, so I had to call the pedi and got the ok to give her pedialyte, but was told that if she didn't start showing signs of hydration again (pee pee diapers) then we needed to take her to urgent care. Dan went to pick up the pedialyte and a few other things for us after work before the worst of the blizzard hit. Little Miss Madison seemed to have loved the pedialyte. I only gave her 3 oz to begin with and she had a fit when it was gone, so we gave her another 5 oz. About an hour and a half later she drank a full 8 oz bottle of formula  Well we did another pedialyte bottle and another formula bottle before she went to bed and she was giving us pee pee diapers already. Woohoo!

Wednesday morning I knew I didn't have to worry about her being dehydrated anymore because Dan went to change her diaper and she peed all over and not just a little. We stuck with just formula though to make sure that she would drink enough and I gave her 1  pedialyte bottle just to be on the safe side. Dan got to hang out with us all day because they closed down his company for the day plus they were giving tickets to anyone they found out on the roads that was not plowing, an emergency worker or anything like that. Though Dan did go out to find us some lunch.

Thursday we were suppose to drive back home, but the roads still weren't totally cleared so we ended up staying another night. By Thursday night the roads were cleared enough that I knew we could leave in the morning. Mom and Dad came by the hotel to see Madison and us one more time before we left. It was nice to see them.

My little girl still hasn't been sleeping well at all, but we are getting there. Now that we are home she has been doing better. At least staying in her crib to sleep.