Thursday, March 21, 2013

Married for 4 years

Another year of wedded bliss under our belts, which now totals 4 years! I can't believe how lucky I am to have this wonderful man in my life. 

It all started on Feb 21, 2003 when I went to meet a friend for a movie & to play some pool. Little did I know that night would lead to a wonderful relationship with this person & he would become my best friend. It was then on Jan 1, 2008 that he proposed & we were married March 21, 2009! 4 years later, we are thriving & living such a beautiful life. Never in my wildest dreams did I think life could be this good. He has made all my dreams come true. My dream wedding, my dream honeymoon, my dream of pets (Maggie & Bailey), my dream of children (Madison & baby to be), my dream to stay home with my children to raise them & my dream home that we built together this past year. He is my biggest supporter in everything & the best partner in life one could ask for. I can honestly say, I fall more in love with this husband of mine every day & I can't wait to see what each day brings with him in my life. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week 35

So a little over a week ago, I had to go into L&D for monitoring. This little one gave us a scare. She decided that she wasn't going to move during the time she is normally throwing a party. That was coupled with some cramping & what I thought was a little bit of leaking. Turns out baby girl was fine. The cramping was nothing as the monitor never registered a contraction. The leak was not a leak at all.

I have had what seems to be just BH contractions on a more daily basis since then. I must say I'm ecstatic with this as it means my body is getting ready for labor - something it didn't seem to do when I was pregnant with Madison, so maybe I won't need to get pitocin this time around.

Monday I had my 2 week appt. Nothing new to report there. BP is great, baby girl is doing wonderful & so am I. I go back on April 1st for my next appt & will have the Group B strep test done & my first check! Can't wait to find out if I've done any progressing!

I have also resigned myself to the fact that baby's room will not be done before she comes as the bedroom in the basement is not complete & doesn't look like it will be before she gets here. Since I have made this decision in my head & formed a plan on how to deal with it while we have guests, I feel a lot less stressed about the whole thing.& I am ok with it not being done.

I have pretty much everything ready for baby girl to come minus having my hospital bag packed (which I'm working on slowly). I also now need the glider moved into our room & some baby supplies stocked in our room for nights especially when we have guests. Other than that I'm making a few meals to put in the freezer for after baby girl is here.

The other thing we are trying to do is switch Dan's life insurance policy & possibly up his coverage due to our life changes in the last year 1/2 to 2 years. Dan's job change, our new home & now this baby girl. So I'm in the middle of researching costs, types & coverage on life insurance for him. I saw our insurance agent today to go over some of our questions & to cover what types & what we need. Now its my turn to explain it to Dan & for us to take it in & determine if what we need is really being reflected or if we need to lower or raise what the agent & I talked about what we need for coverage. There is so much I don't think we considered our first time around on doing insurance, that we probably should have. I could go on about this topic, but I won't, at least not now.

How far along? 34 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: 121 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, since about 7 weeks
Stretch marks? I think my stretch marks have stretch marks
Linea Nigra:  Still Not yet (never had one with Madison, so...)
Sleep: Not much. Insomnia is back.
Times you Potty a Night: 2 + times a night
Best moment of the week: Hearing baby girl's heartbeat
Miss anything?  Not really
Movement: Yes, I'm getting kicked & punched daily. Hubby is finally able to feel the movement of this baby girl & now pokes & prods at her when she does kick him.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not at all.
Cravings: Mexican Food!
Gender prediction:  Doesn't matter anymore because its a girl
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs:  Just the daily BH contractions is all.
Symptoms:  The bump in front, some sore boobs, & pregnancy insomnia & being uncomfortable
Aches & Pains:  A sore lower back from carrying the bump & a sciatic nerve pain, the hip & pelvic pain & the pain of a baby head bouncing off my cervix all day long!
Belly button in or out? Still in, but seems like it might just pop out soon.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. Sadness.
Happy or moody most of the time? Uncomfortable
Looking forward to:  Saturday for my prenatal massage, manicure & pedicure! Nice relaxing day!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week 33

Sunday night I had some contractions. I assumed just the normal BH ones which usually go away pretty quick. Well, after 20 mins & they were still happening I got up to get some water because that usually makes them go away. 20 ish minutes later they seem to be getting a little more intense, so I went to take a warm shower since I had been sitting/laying through them & that wasn't stopping them. About 10-15 minutes into my warm shower they stopped totally. So no big deal.

Monday I had my appt with my OB. I told her about the night before & she confirmed that what I was feeling were contractions, but just practice ones as I got them to stop with a change of activity. She said they will be more common as my pregnancy progresses because the body tires easier. She seems very optimistic that since I didn't really have them with Madison & only went 2 days late, that I very well will not make my due date. Not that anything is 100% in that, but it seems like my body is getting ready sooner this time around, so it seems possible. My OB, then gave me the talk about contraction timing & when to go to the hospital. Of course if its before 36 weeks they will attempt to stop labor, so I have under 3 weeks until that point. I don't want it to happen before she is considered full term, but I'd take 38 or 39 weeks! I go back now in 2 weeks!

How far along? 32 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 19 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, since about 7 weeks
Stretch marks? On the stomach
Linea Nigra:  Still Not yet (never had one with Madison, so...)
Sleep: Not much. Insomnia is back.
Times you Potty a Night: 2 + times a night
Best moment of the week: Hearing baby girl's heartbeat
Miss anything?  Not really
Movement: Yes, I'm getting kicked & punched daily. Hubby is finally able to feel the movement of this baby girl & now pokes & prods at her when she does kick him.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not at all.
Cravings: Mexican Food!
Gender prediction:  Doesn't matter anymore because its a girl
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs:  Had an hour or so worth of contractions Sunday night, but got them to go away with a warm shower.
Symptoms:  The bump in front, some sore boobs, & pregnancy insomnia & being uncomfortable
Aches & Pains:  A sore lower back from carrying the bump & a sciatic nerve pain & the pain of a baby head bouncing off my cervix all day long!
Belly button in or out? In (never popped out with Madison, so I'm curious if it will stay that way)
Wedding rings on or off? Off. Sadness.
Happy or moody most of the time? Uncomfortable
Looking forward to: Finishing off all the things that need to be done before she gets here. Oh & my massage, pedicure & manicure, but those are still a couple weeks off.

Friday, March 1, 2013

58 Days!

I'm having a little freak out moment today. Since today is the beginning of March, its dawned on me that I while have a new little baby in my arms next month! I have 58 days until my due date. We are really getting down to the wire now.

I don't feel ready. Yes, we just got the bassinet & swing set up & I've been working on getting the small things we need still plus getting all the bottles washed & ready. So we are ready in that regard, but I'm still freaking out.

My fears seem to be getting the worst of me today. I'm wondering if I'm ready for 2 kids. If I've prepared Madison enough for a sibling. If I can handle 2 children & 2 dogs by myself during the day. Can my marriage really survive another child. Do I have the energy to do this. Do I have enough room in my heart for both of my girls. Will Madison love her new sister. The fears go on & on.

I know it will all work out. We will have some ups & downs throughout our journey, but we will make it. I know it. I'm just taking a day to let it all out & then maybe I can focus on the things we need to do.