Monday, April 22, 2013

Week 40

Well, I opted out of being induced on Wednesday. Also opted out for next week Monday. Now, I go back to the Dr on 5/1 if this baby doesn't show her face before then.

We are still at 2 cm. I've been contracting on & off all day so far. More so since my appt as she stripped my membranes in hopes to get things moving along. She said it seems as though my body was already gearing up for labor so lets hope this really gets it moving. I would love to have my little one in my arms!

I have actually been hoping all along that this little one would show her face tomorrow. As tomorrow is a hard day. It will mark a year since I held my grandfather's hand & told him it was ok to go, as he passed away. Its a day I never want to forget, but at the same time, I would love for a happy memory to help ease the pain that comes with it. Plus to have her show her face on that day would also be a circle of life so to speak.

So off to do some cleaning & walking & anything else I can think of to get this baby motivated to get out!

How far along? 39 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: 23 lbs (no gain in 2 week!)
Maternity clothes? Yes, since about 7 weeks
Stretch marks? I think my stretch marks have stretch marks
Linea Nigra:  Still Not yet (never had one with Madison, so...)
Sleep: Not much. Insomnia is back.
Times you Potty a Night:  3 + times a night
Best moment of the week: Having a day all to myself!
Miss anything?  Not really
Movement: Yes, but as she grows she is running out of room & doesn't move as often.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not at all.
Cravings: Mexican Food!
Gender prediction:  Doesn't matter anymore because its a girl
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs:  Contractions - 2 cm dilated 50% effaced, loss of pieces of plug
Symptoms:  The bump in front, some sore boobs, & pregnancy insomnia & being uncomfortable
Aches & Pains:  A sore lower back from carrying the bump & a sciatic nerve pain, the hip & pelvic pain & the pain of a baby head bouncing off my cervix all day long!
Belly button in or out? Still in, but seems like it might just pop out soon.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. Sadness.
Happy or moody most of the time? Uncomfortable
Looking forward to:  Holding my baby girl in my arms!

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