Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Week 39

What can I say? I've been uncomfortable for a while. Today at my appointment I was told I'm finally 2 cm! WOOHOO! This is more progress than I made with Madison before heading into the hospital & being put on pitocin. Honestly, with Madison I wasn't even 2 cm until 14 hours after my water broke (12 hours after Pit was started), so this is huge news! I got a sweep done & have been contracting since, just not regularly. If it doesn't put me in labor, I hope it at least gets me to more progress.

Now I was also given the option of being induced next week Wednesday (4/24). As nice as it sounds to have a date, I'm not sure what I want to do. I hated Pit with Madison & would really love to avoid it, but at the same time I am miserable & just ready to be done. I don't have to have a decision until Monday when my next appt is. If I make it to Monday's appt she will do a sweep again to try to get things going without the drugs. I guess I will spend the next few days weighing my options.

How far along? 38 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 22 lbs (no gain in 2 week!)
Maternity clothes? Yes, since about 7 weeks
Stretch marks? I think my stretch marks have stretch marks
Linea Nigra:  Still Not yet (never had one with Madison, so...)
Sleep: Not much. Insomnia is back.
Times you Potty a Night:  3 + times a night
Best moment of the week: Having a day all to myself!
Miss anything?  Not really
Movement: Yes, I'm getting kicked & punched daily. Hubby is finally able to feel the movement of this baby girl & now pokes & prods at her when she does kick him.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not at all.
Cravings: Mexican Food!
Gender prediction:  Doesn't matter anymore because its a girl
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs:  Contractions - 2 cm dilated 50% effaced - Progress has been made!
Symptoms:  The bump in front, some sore boobs, & pregnancy insomnia & being uncomfortable
Aches & Pains:  A sore lower back from carrying the bump & a sciatic nerve pain, the hip & pelvic pain & the pain of a baby head bouncing off my cervix all day long!
Belly button in or out? Still in, but seems like it might just pop out soon.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. Sadness.
Happy or moody most of the time? Uncomfortable
Looking forward to:  Holding my baby girl in my arms!

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